Meet the face
behind the backpack
Hi! My name is Chana (Pronounce it however you like. I've heard them all. LOL!). I'm an interior designer by trade, but a lover of nature 24/7. My love came later in life as hiking was not something my parents instilled in me. As I grow older (yep, I'm now in my early 40's), this love has grown and grown to the point where I have moved up to the mountains just so I can bask in their beauty each morning and night. I now live with my fiancé, plus my 3 kids and his daughter, and being that we're both avid outdoorsists, we try to bring that into our kids lives as much as possible (not an easy task with technology) so that they too can enjoy the simpler things in life.
The Happy Hiker Blog documents these journeys with the hope that they will inspire others to also head out into nature and take advantage of the beauty that so many skim over and never really notice. At the same time I hope to offer tips to make your experiences easier, fun DIY projects to help save costs and lots of smiles plus beautiful views to brighten your day. Enjoy!